Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lessons Learned in a Day

We are all learning new concepts, figures and life lessons each and everyday.  Such lessons may be learned at school, work or at home.  In my Theology class, I learned about the importance of Christian faith and evidence supporting it. I also learned that the presence of the Spirit has been witnessed by more than many have come to realize. An example would include the body after death. Many claim that the body no longer represents the person they knew when that person was living. This is true, the soul gives each of us life and character.  In College Writing, I learned in depth about the components involving a piece of writing such as genre and purpose. Genre and purpose in a paper are largely determined by the audience.  When crafting a piece of writing, the writer must fully understand who he or she is writing to, breaking the potential number of people in an audience down to a very small group.  Without knowing the appropriate audience, the writer will not be able to successfully craft a piece of writing reflecting the views of the audience.

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